Your not 100% clear on the purpose and inSpiration
Your not a graphic designer
You don't have the money for a graphic designer
Or to buy loads of stuck your not sure will sell
How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?
You were able to get really clear on the purpose of your Oracle card set.
Collaborated with Spirit to create an abundant vision for your Deck, and to channel the wisdom for your deck.
Only for it to get better when
You are shown step by step how to design and create beautiful images by a fellow non-designer.
Learnt what's need and where to print your Deck with POD ensure its cost viability.
There is No Stopping you when we take everything to a whole new level!
You are supported by a community of
like minded women all vested in making a difference in this world.
Create your deck without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on design and publishing.
As a Psychic Medium Soul Coach with over 22 years of experience in business I've been challenged each time I've relied on an artist or graphic designer to work with me on creating a card deck.
I have wasted years waiting on artwork from an artist only for it never to be completed. I've wasted hundreds of dollars on a graphic designer only to know I could have done as good a job myself and I'm a medium, not a designer.
With the release of AI and in particular Midjourney I have found it has been a game changer for me. And now, I am sharing my knowledge and experience with you so you can bring to life the Oracle Card set that sits in your heart with out all the limitations and costs of design and publishing that can get in the way.
Your Wisdom and Creativity deserves to be in the world and in a way that celebrates the beauty in you. And your Oracle or Affirmation Card deck is going to express all of that!
A Self Paced Video training program designed to hold your hand step by step as you move from inSpiration to holding your Oracle Deck in your hands.
Collaboration with Spirit to channel the Wisdom
Learn Midjourney to design your Artwork
How to use Canva for your Card decks and more
What you need to know about printing and where to print.
Connect with Spirit and the Angels for the purpose of channeling the wisdom for your Oracle card deck and begin crafting your vision and manifesting the success of your Affirmation or Oracle card deck.
Learn all the Canva Basics and how to use Midjourney AI to create beautiful graphics. Finish off your Card deck by pairing your artwork with the Canva templates included.
Learn what you need to know to get your deck printed, and where to print your deck with little outlay and without having to pay for big stock outlays.
Life Time Access to Self Paced Video Trainings
Take your time to work through creating your Affirmation or Oracle Card deck with access to 12 video trainings that step you through your collaboration with Spirit to designing and printing your deck.
VALUE $990
Activate Your Oracle Deck Vision Meditation
Get clear on your decks purpose and begin manifesting the success of your Oracle card deck with this meditation to ensure your abundance and ease with your creative journey.
A Range of Resources to Support your Every Step.
~ Angel Invocation Ritual
~ VisionBoard template
~ Angel Magic Channeling Wisdom Guide
~ Canva Basics Guide
~ Midjourney Prompts to get you started
~ Print Ready Checklist
Course Only
I am here to support and truly want to see your Magic in the World.
So as an added bonus when you have your Affirmation or Oracle Card deck ready for the world to see, you will have the opportunity to share it
with my community and email list.
Let's kickstart selling your deck!
Enrol in the next 72hrs and you'll receive a
30min Intuitive Strategy Session with me to get you clear on the vision for your Deck
and overcome any challenges you may be feeling right now.
Sign up today!
Request a refund with 7days of joining to receive 100% of your money back.
Once your process your enrollment, you will receive your logon information for access to the course.
Join the Facebook group to be supported with creating
your Oracle card deck.
No, this course does assume you have some level of this capability already. You can however find our Mediumship course here
You have life time access to this course, you have all the time you need to create your deck.
You also have access to our private community where you can ask for feedback and see answers to your questions.
All costings are in Australian Dollars
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